Cimarron Animal Hospital is pleased to provide pet laser therapy as a treatment option for your pet. Laser therapy offers a revolutionary approach to veterinary wound management. It accelerates your pet's natural healing process through photo-bio-modulation and is very effective in treating chronic conditions, acute conditions, and post-surgical pain and inflammation.
We use the Companion Therapy Laser System, the leader in advanced high-power laser therapy, which offers greater depth of penetration and shorter treatment times than other LED and Laser Therapy Devices. It can significantly reduce healing time. Traumatic skin injuries and surgical incisions benefit greatly from laser therapy intervention.
Some of the other clinical benefits of pet laser therapy include:
• Non-pharmacologic pain relief
• Effective for difficult conditions
• Increased tensile strength in wound healing
• Alternative to surgery
• Fast treatment times
• Growth factor increases
• Easy, comfortable, non-invasive treatment
• Scientifically-proven